Dental care is one of the biggest factors in determining your pet’s quality and quantity of life, yet it is an often overlooked area of pet care. Who knew that caring for your pet’s teeth could be so important? 

According to a study done by the American Veterinary Dental Association, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of dental disease by the age of 3!

Bacteria combine with saliva and food on the teeth and gums, forming plaque. This eventually becomes a hard substance called tartar which can lead to inflammation and destruction of the tissues that support the teeth. Untreated this may lead to oral pain as well as the eventual loss of teeth. Even more scary is that other organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys can also be affected. Thankfully, though, this is one problem that you have some control over!

You can attack dental disease from a few angles to keep your pet’s mouth healthy:

Pet dental care at home

You play an enormous role in your pet’s oral health. Peeking in your pet’s mouth should be as routine as any other grooming procedure. Ask your veterinarian to explain how to brush your pet’s teeth. If your pet will allow daily brushing, this can be a very effective means to slow the buildup of plaque and tartar on your pet’s teeth. Utilizing dental care products such as prescription diets, treats, and oral rinses in addition to or instead of brushing can also be helpful.

Professional dental care

During your pet’s recommended wellness exam appointments your veterinarian should examine the mouth. It is important to keep these recommended appointments so that dental problems can be caught early on in the process. Depending on the findings it may be recommended that your pet have an oral examination and dental cleaning under anesthesia. Some pets benefit from this type of procedure on a yearly basis, regardless of home dental care. You brush your teeth daily but still need to visit the dentist. So do your pets! Under anesthesia the entire mouth can be examined and the teeth can be cleaned on all sides and under the gumline. Any diseased teeth or other oral problems can be addressed as well

Your pet’s oral health is an extremely important matter. Our pet’s health and happiness can be dramatically affected by paying attention to dental care. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.