Pet Allergies: Get a Grasp on the Problem

By gaining an understanding of your or your loved one’s pet allergies, you empower yourself to make the best possible decisions.

Sometimes people assume that they have a pet allergy only to find that it is something else altogether. So your first step is to find out what you are actually allergic to. Is it the pet’s fur? Dander? Saliva? By knowing this information, you can sometimes reduce exposure.

Reduce Allergens in the Environment

If someone in your house is allergic to your pets, or if someone who is allergic will be visiting, it is important to try to keep allergens to a minimum. There are several techniques to accomplish this:

  • Create an “allergy free zone” in the home where the allergic person can be “safe”. Prevent the pet from entering this area. Use high grade HEPA air cleaners for the area and cover things like mattresses, pillows, and cushions.
  • Use HEPA air cleaners throughout the home to reduce dander, hair, and dust. Avoid carpet and rugs where possible and limit fabrics such as curtains. Wash fabrics like cushions, blankets, and covers when feasible.
  • Bathing your pet on a weekly basis can also dramatically reduce dander in the environment. Be sure to use shampoos labeled for your pet and rinse thoroughly.

There are several breeds out there who are touted to be “hypoallergenic”. The truth is that there are no guarantees, depending on what you are actually allergic to. Any breed, even hairless breeds, can cause severe allergic reactions.

Use Your Doctor to Your Advantage

While a cure for allergies does not exist, modern medicine has many tools that you or your family members may be able to use in order to peacefully coexist with pets. Some people respond well to immunotherapy (allergy shots), others to antihistamines, and even others to nasal sprays. Your allergist may have suggestions to help you better manage your pet allergies.

Allergies to pets can be a difficult problem to overcome, but for most people it is doable. Take steps to make your home as allergen free for you and your visitors as possible. If you are visiting somewhere with pets, request that the owners take some of the above steps to increase your comfort level. And, of course, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for help. Even those with allergies can enjoy the wonderful bond only animals can offer.