Like most other holidays, there is no good reason that pets can’t join in the fun on this special day. Keep reading to see some of our favorite April Fools’ pet pranks and get some ideas for how you may want to celebrate.

Prank Pet Products

Even many major companies get in on the fun when April Fools’ Day rolls around! Check out some of the best hoaxes put out in the past:

Google – A few years ago Google put out a YouTube video advertising their new app “Google Translate”. This app supposedly translates animal speak into English.

IKEA – What, your dog doesn’t use a chair during meals? IKEA’s HUNDSTOL dog highchair even has a cutout for his tail.

Warby Parker – This fashionable eyewear company launched a spin-off brand called Warby Barker, touting high end doggy glasses. Their website and advertisements are convincing, and may even leave you trying to purchase a doggy monocle!

Forbes – This finance magazine put out an informative article about pet tax exemptions that is worth a read.

Kodak – Perhaps our favorite April Fools’ pet prank is Kodak’s LIVEprint technology. Because after all, who wouldn’t want to print out dozens of fuzzy little kittens?

Showing an unsuspecting friend one of these products or mulling over which doggy glasses to buy your pet is sure to end in some laughs.

April Fools’ Pet Pranks for Pets

If you have a pet, why not let them join the fun? With a little planning you can have them help in pulling off the ultimate April Fools’ pranks on your friends and family. Here are a few ideas:

The old switcheroo – Take some time to replace your pet’s belongings with smaller ones before everyone gets up in the morning. You can marvel over how much your pet has grown while everyone else takes a minute to figure it out!

The killer kitty – Find a large, realistic plastic rat and leave it by the front door. Your cat can boast her hunting prowess while everyone squirms over who has to clean it up.

On a tight leash – If someone else is responsible for dog walking, be sure to replace your pet’s leash with a shorter look-alike version to make things more difficult.

Teach your pet a tricky trick – Your creativity is the only limit here! Check out some April Fools’ Day pet tricks on YouTube for inspiration.

We hope that you have some good ammunition now for a great April Fools’ Day. Involving animals (safely, of course) is an excellent way to be sure that it is a fun celebration for all.