Overweight pets face many of the same health concerns as people; heart disease, type 2 diabetes, bone and joint problems, various forms of cancers, and a shortened life expectancy to name a few. Fortunately, with some easy adjustments, you and your pet can avoid packing on the pounds this fall.

Work It Out

Besides the obvious health benefits of regular exercise, it provides a wonderful opportunity to bond with your pet. We are fortunate to experience roughly 300 days of beautiful sun in the Denver area, so getting out there with pets can be enjoyable even in the colder months.

  • Get out there and walk or jog in that crisp fall air. Bonus: dogs and humans burn calories at almost the same rate, so you’ll both be benefitting equally from a sweat session.
  • Enjoy the changing seasons on one of the many dog friendly trails in our area
  • Don’t want to walk? Take Fido to a dog park and let him burn off excess energy among friends.

If you just don’t feel like going out, or your pet lives exclusively indoors, there are still plenty of creative ways to encourage indoor play for dogs and cats. Tug-of-war, fetch, and laser pointer play can all be done indoors. Cat trees or jungle gyms are also wonderful ways for cats to play and burn calories at the same time.

Watch Those Calories

We all know that consuming fewer calories than we burn is the foundation of weight loss. The same goes for our pets. With the holidays, and the cornucopia of table scraps that accompany them, on the horizon this is the time of year for pet parents to be especially vigilant about what our pets are consuming:

  • Don’t give your pet table scraps, and make sure family and friends don’t either
  • Feed your pet only high quality pet food
  • Avoid giving too many treats, or break treats into halves or quarters to make them smaller
  • If your pet likes vegetables, they can be used in lieu of treats
  • Use non-food rewards, such as attention or playtime, when training

Prevention Is Key In Weight Management

Many pet owners find it helpful to bring their pet into our office at the beginning of the season to have their pet weighed and to receive portion control advice and other weight management recommendations. Your team at Seven Hills Veterinary Hospital is committed to helping your pet maintain a healthy weight this winter. Give us a call!