On October 8, 2014, veterinarians and pet owners are asked to submit certain data to APOP that will result in more accurate numbers of pets plagued by obesity. There is a simple survey that can be found here.

Finding the Right Balance

When your pet padded into your life, you accepted a great deal of responsibility to care and protect him or her. Some people take their time finding just the right pet for them, conducting research and contacting breeders. Others may surprise themselves with an impromptu decision to adopt a stray or foster a pet. Whatever the circumstances that connected you to your pet, you took on the role of his or her guardian. As such, achieving or maintaining your pet’s health and happiness became a priority.

Preventing pet obesity is a hugely important piece of your pet’s long term health but, if you are one of the millions of pet owners caring for a pet that is already overweight or obese, there are options to manage or even reverse the diagnosis.

Seven Hills Veterinary Hospital can address the health issues your pet may face and help guide your pet back to wellness with a better diet plus suggestions for movement or exercise that fits your life. We are experts in nutrition and we will consider all the qualities of your pet’s history and present symptoms to design the right course.

For Dogs

There are ways to increase palatability in diet dog food for your pup’s consumption and enjoyment. Adding ketchup, garlic or salmon juice will enable your dog to feel satisfied even while limiting calories. You can distract your dog by going for more walks or offering fresh water. Offering your attention and affection through more frequent playing and snuggling may also encourage acceptance of and security with the new “regime”.

For Cats

Cats have a different physiology than dogs and if they are starved as a result of a new diet, hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) can develop. We will count your cat’s caloric intake very carefully to make certain they are still receiving what they need to live.

It may seem like an impossible feat to get your cat down to the ideal weight of 8-10 pounds, but it can be done with commitment to your cat’s diet and increased stimulation and activity level. Investing in a laser toy or cat tree can start the ball rolling toward more engagement and higher level of wellness.

Risks Associated with Pet Obesity

If your pet is evaluated and diagnosed as overweight or obese, we will discuss with you the health risks and problems that can result such as:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Limited lifespan

We can also monitor your pet to help ensure that we catch and address problems that occur.

Making the Right Choice for your Pet’s Health

It has been proven that slimmer pets live longer than heavier ones. We know you love your pet, so we ask you to help your pet slim down and enjoy a better, longer and healthier life. Let our nutrition experts help you.

Give your pet more time with you: Take the National Pet Obesity Association survey on October 8, 2014 and start the journey towards your pet’s wellness.