10. You may have caught wind about the recent canine influenza outbreak that has been ravaging the Chicago area over the last month or so. The news headlines have probably left you with more questions than answers, though. Read more…

9. April Fools’ Day is traditionally celebrated on the first day of April every year. Known for being a day of practical jokes and pranks, it is celebrated all over the world. While the origins of April Fools’ Day are not exactly clear, we all enjoy it as a great opportunity for a little light-hearted fun. Read more…

8. As much as we’d love to keep our pets with us all the time, there are places where our fur friends just won’t be welcome, safe, or happy. Relying on friends or family to care for a beloved pet can pose unexpected risks, too; so before dropping Fifi or Fido off at Aunt Marie’s, consider a professional pet boarding facility. Read more…7Hills_iStock_000044158470_Large

7. During the past two years, we have covered topics related to the importance of daily tooth brushing and oral and dental care for your pet, but there is often some confusion about why and what sort of connection this health focus has on your pet’s overall well-being (beyond halitosis or “doggy breath”).Read more…

6. If you come home to a candy bar wrapper on the floor and a sheepish looking dog, it can cause a bit of panic. You may quickly try and assess how much your pet consumed and whether or not he or she is exhibiting pet poisoning symptoms. You may scramble to remember what to do if your pet eats chocolate, or scour the home and internet for the Pet Poison Helpline. Read more…

5. Pets are living longer than ever before. This is great because it means we have more time to share with them, but older pets do come with some unique needs. Read more…

4. You are just sitting on your couch petting your dog, and then you feel it… a small bump behind his ear. A small wave of panic washes over you. Could it be a growth? You take a minute to look closer, only to realize that your pet’s lump has legs. It is a tick. Read more…

3. Our brilliant age of technology provides access to infinite layers of information that supplies all the answers – and a lot of doubts regarding credible sources. Perhaps in spite of certain internet memes and informational soundbites, pet owners often seek truth from a wise friend, relative, or neighbor, but doing so can also lead to confusion. Read more…

2. Most of us consider ourselves great pet parents. We provide love, daily attention, food, and shelter. We may even indulge our pets in fancy duds and spa days. And, what pet owner doesn’t adore showing off his or her animal companion at the park, pet supply store, and other pet friendly places? Read more…7Hills_iStock_000006967561_Large

1. Dogs are charmingly food-motivated, and in addition to facilitating amazing feats of training or obedience, a treat fixation (or obsession) can range from simply amusing to downright hilarious. Whether it’s a reward for good behavior or a simple token of appreciation, a healthy treat facilitates a sweet bonding opportunity for you and your dog. Luckily, there are many healthy snack options just waiting for Fido in your own pantry or fridge. Indeed, lots of people food add a great deal of vitality to your dog’s health, but there are some safety considerations to review first. Read more…

We hope you have found our blog useful and interesting this past year. Like a fine wine, we only get better with age, so keep reading in 2016!

Happy New Year, from all of us at Seven Hills Animal Hospital!