So, when a cat begins to experience the onset of aging, illness, or other health conditions, the physical signs aren’t necessarily discernible.  

Cats and Consistent Wellness Care

One of the reasons why many cats live with undiagnosed diseases or conditions is lack of veterinary care.

When nearly 2/3 of all cat owners confess a reluctance to taking their cats in for annual physical exams, it is no wonder why certain conditions plague purr friends longer than necessary. In fact, common health problems, such as diabetes, thyroid conditions, and high blood pressure, continue to be on the rise and yet remain untreated.

It’s understandable that many cats experience some level of stress during car trips and visits to the vet; however, these issues can be addressed.

Some of the ways in which cats can become acclimated to necessary wellness appointments include:

Understanding the Signs of Feline Illness or Pain

Since felines are so adept at hiding the signs of illness, it’s important to stress the need for regular veterinary visits where illness can be detected through lab work and other tests.

There are, however, some things to look for in assessing whether your cat may be sick. These can include:

  • Changes in interaction, such as a normally aloof cat becoming clingy or a formerly affectionate cat hiding more
  • Foul smelling breath
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Vocalization, such as persistent yowling
  • Dull, unkempt coat
  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Lack of appetite or suddenly eating more

For many pet owners, they just sense something is off with their pets. In these cases, your intuition may help with an early diagnosis, so it’s critical to take these observations seriously.

Although, it would be helpful if our cats could just tell us if something is amiss, we must be vigilant with ongoing wellness care and educated on the subtle signs of feline illness.

To schedule an examination or to inquire about how to keep your cat as healthy and energetic as he or she can be, please contact our office.